Ahmedabad: Charity begins at home—and so does safety for the Ahmedabad police.
On Friday, Ahmedabad Police Commissioner GS Malik issued an order directing police personnel to adhere to the traffic rule of wearing helmets before enforcing it on the public.
Malik instructed station heads to ensure that their officers and staff follow this rule. He also barred personnel from entering police premises if they arrive on two-wheelers without helmets.
To reinforce compliance, Deputy Commissioners of Police (DCPs) have been tasked with appointing enough personnel to monitor their colleagues’ adherence to the helmet rule.
The order cited National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) data, highlighting the significant number of fatalities in road accidents involving victims not wearing helmets.
It further warned that violators among the police would face action under the Motor Vehicles (MV) Act, along with departmental disciplinary measures.